Static vs. Dynamic Web Sites


Tags: Static Sites · Dynamic Sites · Static Site Generators
Categories: Types of Websites · Getting Started

What is a Static Web Site?

A static web site is a type of web site that appears the same for anyone who comes to look at the site. For example, a business may want to create a static site for advertising, marketing, or informational purposes, and it may not need to create customized content for individual customers.

A static site is basically made up of a few different components: HTML, CSS, and Javascript. HTML lays out the structure of the pages and includes the written text, CSS is responsible for styling like colors and shapes, and Javascript allows for interactivity (things like drop down menus).

What is a Dynamic Web Site?

A dynamic web site is a site that generates and displays different content for different people. Examples of dynamic web sites are twitter, facebook, and banking web sites. Theses kinds of sites have a login system, and they create a unique experience for each user.

Should I make a Static Site or a Dynamic Site?

Whether or not to build your web site as static or dynamic really depends on your business needs. For many small businesses that are just getting started or for small personal projects, a static site may be a great fit. You may be better off with a dynamic site, though, if you are planning to have an online store or if you need to set your customers up with their own accounts so that they can post photos or view their transactions.

Nowadays, the line between static and dynamic can be somewhat blurry. You could, for example, have a mostly static site with some dynamic interactivity like a calendar that shows a user’s appointments or a payment portal where a customer can make payments and view their payment history.

What’s the Difference between Dynamic Content and Interactivity?

When we’re talking about the web and web sites, dynamic content usually refers to unique content that’s generated for a specific person using the site. Interactive content usually referrs to content that may change, but will change in the same way for everyone. Examples of dynamic content are drop down menus that show up when you click or tap on them or a temporary message that displays while a completed form is being submitted.

What is a Static Site Generator?

A static site generator or SSG is a piece of software that facilitates the process of creating and managing a static site. SSGs provide, among other things, helpful automation and templating features.

Static site generators tend to be a bit technical and will usually require some knowledge of programming, computers, and computer networks. You don’t need to be a professional computer programmer to use one, though. If you’re comfortable with some basic programming and are willing to put in some time and effort, you might want to try a SSG.